Exploring Angelic Reiki: What It Is

Exploring Angelic Reiki: What It Is and How It Can Transform Your Life

## Introduction to Angelic Reiki

As you embark on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, you may encounter various forms of healing modalities. One such practice that might pique your interest is Angelic Reiki. You might wonder, what is Angelic Reiki? How can it help you navigate the intricacies of your life? Angelic Reiki is a unique and profound system of healing and consciousness expansion. It is a powerful means of personal development, transformation, and preparation for Ascension.

Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineages and combines these with powerful transmissions channeled by Kevin Core. This form of Reiki is a hands-on healing method that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing and balance on all levels. The practitioner is simply a bridge for the angelic healing energy to pass to the recipient.

This article aims to introduce you to the world of Angelic Reiki, its origins, principles, and the healing process. It will delve into the benefits of Angelic Reiki and how it can contribute to personal transformation. If you're interested in getting started with Angelic Reiki or looking for a practitioner, this article will guide you in the right direction.

The Origins of Angelic Reiki

To fully appreciate the power of Angelic Reiki, it's essential to understand its origins. Angelic Reiki was channelled to Kevin Core, a British spiritual teacher, between October 2002 and February 2003. The system was birthed through an intense and profound download of information from the Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters.

Kevin Core was guided by Archangel Metatron to birth and anchor this system on Earth. The Angelic Reiki system is based on ancient wisdom systems, including those rooted in Egypt and Atlantis, yet it presents a new and unique perspective. It expands the consciousness of the practitioner and recipient, allowing them to play their part in the collective awakening of humanity.

This healing system is not just a means of supporting health and well-being, but also a vehicle to awaken spiritual talents, discover one's Divine purpose, and make a meaningful contribution to the Earth's transition into a higher dimension.

Understanding the Principles of Angelic Reiki

The principles of Angelic Reiki are grounded in a belief in the power of angelic beings and the Divine to facilitate healing. The practitioner serves as a channel or a bridge, allowing the energy of the Angelic Realm to flow through them and into the recipient. This process is not directed by the practitioner but by the Divine consciousness.

Angelic Reiki works on the belief that the body can heal itself and that healing energy is available to everyone. It is a non-invasive and holistic practice that can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional medicine. It respects the body’s natural ability to heal and promotes overall wellness.

Moreover, Angelic Reiki operates on a principle of resonance, meaning that the healing energy will go to the places it is most needed and resonate with the issues that are most pertinent in the recipient’s life. It brings about healing and balance on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The Process of Angelic Reiki Healing

The process of Angelic Reiki healing begins with the practitioner setting a healing space. This often involves invoking the Angelic beings and Ascended Masters and asking them to be present. The practitioner then connects with the Angelic Kingdom of Light, which acts as a bridge for the healing energy.

The healing energy is then channelled through the practitioner's hands, which are placed gently on your body in a non-intrusive manner, or slightly above your body if preferred. The healing energy works by flowing to the areas of your body where it is most needed.

Each Angelic Reiki healing session is unique and will respond to your specific needs and condition. You may experience sensations of heat or cold, see colors or lights, or have emotional responses. These are all normal and are part of the healing process.

Benefits of Angelic Reiki

The benefits of Angelic Reiki are manifold. On a physical level, Angelic Reiki can help alleviate a variety of ailments, reduce pain, accelerate the healing process, and boost the immune system. On a mental and emotional level, it can help reduce stress, improve focus and clarity, and promote emotional balance.

More significantly, Angelic Reiki can facilitate a deep sense of peace and tranquillity, helping you to connect with your inner self and the Divine. It can aid in the release of negative thought patterns and beliefs, thus promoting personal growth and transformation.

Furthermore, Angelic Reiki can also assist in spiritual growth, helping you to enhance your intuition, discover your life’s purpose, and connect more deeply with the Angelic Realm. It is a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening that can truly transform your life.

Personal Transformation through Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation. It can help you to release old patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that no longer serve you. It can aid in healing past traumas and wounds, bringing them to the surface for release and transformation.

Through Angelic Reiki, you can begin to see yourself and your life from a higher perspective. It can help you to align with your true self and your divine purpose. As you connect more deeply with the Angelic Realm, you may begin to receive guidance and wisdom that can assist you on your life path.

Moreover, Angelic Reiki can also assist you in developing your psychic and spiritual abilities. You may find that you become more intuitive, more aware of the subtle energies around you, and more in tune with the Divine.

How to Get Started with Angelic Reiki

Getting started with Angelic Reiki involves finding a qualified practitioner or attending an Angelic Reiki course. You may wish to receive a healing session first to experience the energy for yourself before deciding to learn the system.

When choosing a practitioner or a course, it's important to do your research. Look for practitioners and teachers who are properly trained and certified in Angelic Reiki. You may also wish to speak with them directly to get a feel for their approach and philosophy.

Remember, Angelic Reiki is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continual learning, growth, and transformation. Be open to the experience and trust in the wisdom and guidance of the Angelic Realm.

Finding an Angelic Reiki Practitioner

Finding an Angelic Reiki practitioner that resonates with you is an important step in your journey. Look for practitioners who have completed the necessary training and who hold the appropriate certifications. You might find practitioners through recommendations, online directories, or holistic health centers.

When you've found a potential practitioner, don't hesitate to ask questions about their training, experience, and approach to healing. This will help you to determine if they're a good fit for you. Remember, it's important to feel comfortable and safe with your chosen practitioner.

Finally, trust your intuition. You'll likely feel a sense of resonance when you find the right practitioner for you. This is your journey, so follow your heart and allow it to guide you.

Angelic Reiki Courses and Training

If you feel called to delve deeper into Angelic Reiki, you might consider attending a course or training. These courses can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice Angelic Reiki, either for self-healing or to assist others.

Angelic Reiki courses cover a range of topics, including the history and principles of Angelic Reiki, how to connect with the Angelic Realm, and how to perform Angelic Reiki healing sessions. You'll also receive attunements which will open your healing channels and connect you with the Angelic Reiki energy.

When choosing an Angelic Reiki course, make sure it's certified and taught by a qualified teacher. This will ensure that you receive accurate and comprehensive training. Above all, remember to approach your training with an open heart and mind. The journey into Angelic Reiki is a deeply personal and transformative one, embrace it with love and joy.

Embrace the journey of Angelic Reiki and begin to transform your life today.